

Store Øksø, Rold Skov, Jylland, Danmark



Frost photo

Frost photo
Frost © Biopix: JC Schou
Store Øksø, Rold Skov, Jylland, Danmark
Zoom in on the original photo by click at the right. Put it in Lightbox, see family, etc. by clicking on the links at the left.
Frost Photo 29639
Frost Photo 87978
Frost Photo 87977
Frost Photo 29638

Hits since 08/2003: 1.020.738.304

Death Cap (Amanita phalloides) Bear, Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) Aconitum lycoctonum ssp. septentrionale Topknot   (Zeugopterus punctatus) Emperor Moth (Saturnia pavonia) False Sedge (Kobresia simpliciuscula) Chorda filum Lemur catta

BioPix - nature photos/images