

4 km N Agia Galini, Crete, Greece



Giant fennel (Ferula communis ssp. communis) photo

Giant fennel (Ferula communis ssp. communis) photo
Ferula communis ssp. communis © Biopix: JC Schou
4 km N Agia Galini, Crete, Greece
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Giant fennel (Ferula communis ssp. communis) Photo 56088
Giant fennel (Ferula communis ssp. communis) Photo 56089
Giant fennel (Ferula communis ssp. communis) Photo 56087
Giant fennel (Ferula communis ssp. communis) Photo 56086
Giant fennel (Ferula communis ssp. communis) Photo 56085
Giant fennel (Ferula communis ssp. communis) Photo 56084

Hits since 08/2003: 1.019.817.632

Dwarf Mountain-Pine (Pinus mugo) Bear, Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) Rilaena triangularis Plateumaris sericea Globe-Flower (Trollius europaeus) Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) Cervus elaphus Black Tooth (Phellodon niger)

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